Welcome to Help a Horny Friend -- An Organization for Rhino Conservation

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Saving Rhinos

Only we can save rhinos!

Each year more than 1,000 rhinos are killed by poachers, primarily for their horns, which are useless...unless you are a rhino.

Rhino horn sells  pound for pound for more than gold or cocaine, but to a rhino, that horn is priceless.  It means life or death.

By purchasing a t-shirt or a tote bag, through this non profit fundraising website, you will be helping to raise funds tor rhino conservation.  All proceeds will be donated to organization that are working for rhino conservation and to save rhinos from poaching and you will be telling the world that you care about conserving rhinos.

Wear a cool t-shirt or carry the tote bag to let your friends and family know you care about rhinos and are doing SOMETHING to help them.

They cost only $35.00 and all proceeds will help to save rhinos.

What you get...besides knowing you are doing a good thing.

When you buy a t-shirt or a tote bag, you will receive a one year membership in the Help a Horny Friend Association and receive emailed newsletters quarterly.  All proceeds will be donated to an international organization such as Save the Rhinos Foundation and may be tax deductible (501c3 charitable status applied for).

For more information email:



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Rhino Conservation.

Contact Us

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Please follow us on #helpahornyfriend

Help a Horny Friend -- Saving Rhinos

13415 Shaker Blvd #11D2, Cleveland, OH 44120, USA
